Taiya Renewable Energy support Green Energy and Offshore wind Development, aims to maintain the allocation of 5 to 6 participants in auction 3.2

The Legislative Yuan conducted a public hearing on offshore wind energy policy promotion on 14th August. Due to potential adjustments to the capacity limit for auction 3.2 wind farms, the Bureau of Energy (BOE), stated that an opinion-gathering session will be arranged to precede the announcement of the draft proposal. The official announcement is anticipated for late September or early October, with the developer submission auction scheduled for March next year.

Diverse opinions emerge among developers regarding wind farm scale, participant count, and localization requirements. Taiya Renewable Energy aims to maintain the allocation of 5 to 6 participants, as seen in auction 3.1.

Owing to global uncertainties, the extended timelines for large and medium wind farm development have exposed developers to international variables that might prompt multinational companies to return to their home countries. To tackle this, the government is urged to limit the expansion of individual wind farm capacities and expedite the consolidation of fragmented wind farms in auction 3.2, preventing fragmentation.

TRE presents three key demands:

1. After the Ukraine-Russia conflict, Europe witnessed a surge in wind farm development. To mitigate administrative contract and financing risks, it's proposed to refrain from expanding individual wind farm capacities and instead reduce the allocated participant count, considering the likelihood of multinational companies favoring resource allocation in their home countries.

2. Addressing fragmented wind farms, the Bureau of Energy should strategically plan for auction 3.2, facilitating the swift consolidation of recognized fragmented wind farms. The focus should extend beyond auction 3.1's unallocated farms due to unforeseen administrative constraints leading to fragmentation. The Bureau of Energy is advised to encourage early consolidation to prevent further fragmentation post-auction 3.2.

3. Policy encouragement is recommended to aid small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) access green energy. Taiwanese SMEs face difficulties in green energy procurement, while developers committing to sell energy to them encounter partnership and financing hurdles. Financial capabilities should be considered in bidding as a bonus criterion to incentivize SME energy sales.

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